Monday, August 23, 2010

Doug and Duppy's Traveling Circus

I've never done anything even remotely similar to creating a blog, but this is going to be a sort of documentary and story of our travels and experiences as we wind our way around America. The story doesn't really begin with getting in the truck and turning the key. It really began when I decided my life had to be small enough to fit in either the camper, or a sailboat. Actually DOING it was an experience I'll never forget. Taking fifty-eight years of memories, and stuff, and then deciding what to do with it made me a little weepy at times, but more often made me laugh. Through it all I realized what a really blessed life I've had.

My first "apartment" was a berth on the Ringling Brother's, Barnum and Bailey Circus train where my uncle showed me the ropes of life when I was fifteen years old. Prior to that I was the new kid in school every year as my Dad was career navy and we moved a lot. I was born in Massachusetts, moved to Bainbridge, Maryland (Dad's submarine school), then to Groton, CT. From CT we moved to San Diego, which I still feel is partly a permanent home - I also lived in Southern California as an adult for a handful of years during which I worked in hospital administration. The family then treked to Key West, Florida, for Dad's next duty assignment - my brothers and sisters (two of each) thought we'd died and gone to heaven. Key West High School was one of the few schools I returned to for consecutive years. There are several intra-city moves not detailed here, but I was the new kid almost every year.

After Key West Dad received orders back to Groton. He wrote me a letter telling how much it would mean to him if I left the circus, and did my senior year of high school at "home;" it didn't work out and I dropped out of high school, but followed Dad's advice and joined the U.S. Army. I was very fortunate to have orders to Vietnam recinded when I was a third of the way there, and instead the army cut orders for me to join the 2nd Cavalry Regiment in Nurnberg, Germany. I loved the unit and the soldiers I served with, and they loved me back. I became a seventeen-year-old corporal, and by the time I was almost nineteen, I had three stripes as an acting platoon leader. Because I didn't re-enlist I couldn't keep them, but it didn't matter. 2nd Cav NCO's and officers made me a man - Dad was right. I was the first in my family to graduate from college. Dad retired from the navy as I was getting out of the army, and we went to college together. THAT was the experience of a lifetime, and sowed the seeds of friendship that lasted Dad's whole life. We shared friends, school work, commuting, and classes together. Writing poetry with my father, both of us writing together, gave us a glimpse into each other's souls. A beautiful thing when you have as great a Pop as my brothers, sisters and I did.

Originally I wanted to be a veterinarian, but by the time I graduated from college I was playing guitar for a local band, Matrix, and having a good time. My girlfriend was the lead singer and harmonica player - really much more professional than the rest of us. I got an offer to help a friend set up a medical practice in Los Angeles after a year and a half of being a guitar player, and turned my eye to health care administration. After five years I decided it wasn't for me, and became certified to teach science and English to grades 7 - 12. I taught for twenty-two years before I realized that education has become a federally-mandated industry, and further, that I didn't want to perform in the PC game any more. I LOVED being a teacher, but... Not so much anymore.

That brings me to the point of this blog. I have been shopping for travel trailers and sailboats with my brother, Dave, for two years. I saw a camper on ebay that I thought I wanted to track, and ended up winning the darn thing by accident about the same time I knew I didn't want to work in the current school system. I don't believe in coincidence, and decided that Duppy and I need to hit the road. The hardest part of such a major life-shift is not having my daughter, family and friends around - they are such an important part of me - Since my daughter, Em, was born, my life totally settled down to the business of being "Dad." I have a circle of friends that I value more then just words can tell. And until now I played bluegrass with the Breezy Corner Basement Boys instead of rock music with Matrix - gonna miss the boyz especially. To all of the wonderful educators I worked with for so long, I thank you for many happy years together!

Since I'm semi-retired (I'd really like to be a teacher's aide somewhere down the road!) it seems like a really good time to get back out and around America. Duppy is my ten-year-old papillion who goes everywhere with me, and loves having it be summer permanently - meaning he has me all to himself. He used to get so bummed out when I had to go back to school in September. Join us on our ride down the road!! This is kind of a long introduction, but this is how we got to where we are. Some pics of my previous life -

                                                   1976 - recently discharged Sgt.Pascoe

                                                    1971 - 17 year-old Pvt. Pascoe

My Family


  1. Well for someone who has never blogged, you have started off well! I hope you have a fun journey! I look forward to hearing all about it! Love you Dougie!!!

    PS if you travel down this way....

  2. Now you've done it! You have a responsibility to your readership to keep this thing going! I hope you have the most awesome experiences and continue to share them with us all.

  3. Doug, As you begin this exciting, amazing and incredible journey, make it a safe one. I look forward to seeing you as you pass by from north to south and east to west. You are doing what most people only dream of! I hope it is all you want it to be and more. I love you, Doug <3

  4. It's never the destination, but the journey that keeps us going .... enjoying each and everyday, treasuring those we love and love us, knowing the best things in life are free; like friendship, a spectacular sunset, a phone call just to say Hey, and of course, a tall cold beer! Your journey My Brother is a dream and any chance I get to catch up with you, I surely will. Always remember you are loved by many and never alone ~ Always together in spirit!!
    Love You Dougie!
    ~ Donny

  5. Good Morning,Doug!
    Thank you for sharing your journey with us. The universe has opened up to bring you exactly what you need, and you have the courage to go forward. I wish I could go with you...Love Always, Carol

  6. Hey Doug! It sounds like a dream come true! Tim and I have an old Airstream that he fixed up (Ebay also) and hope to venture out next May.

    Have a freakin' blast. Hugs to Duppy. We live just below Venice, FL. maybe on your way to Key West???

    I hope to follow you on fb because I never can figure out how to follow these darn blog things.... happy trails! Francesca

  7. Hi Doug..... my third attempt to drop you a note here... I think I finally figured it out. Glad you made it safely to your first destination. Have a great time and give Dup a big hug for me. Have already enjoyed your blog VERY much! So glad you are doing this so we can all keep track of you! Love you very much. Can't wait for your visit!!!! XOXOXOXOXOX
