Saturday, August 28, 2010

Text Message From Emma - I'm a lucky Dad!!!

I wrote in an earlier entry how reflective minimizing 58 years of stuff has led me to counting my blessings, but all that was marginalized by a note I got from Emma today. I'm so very proud of her, I just wanted to share my good fortune with you!

Destiny has a way of uniting two paths. When fate forks the road it can't erase all the laughs. When we go down by love, family cannot be killed. It hurts to be here without you by my side, but change is inevitable and our lives will collide. When you have a loving parent, you're never alone. Part of you lives in my heart - and that's set in stone. The words that you've said and lessons you've taught are engraved in my memory - don't think that they're not. You've touched hundreds of lives being the way that you are. Many share my opinion - you're a shining star. I know that I'll miss you every single day you're gone, but since you're my father I know how to be strong. I'm so fortunate to know you, and every day I'm glad that you made me who I am by being my Dad. Written for you by your daughter. I love you <3

I love you, Em, more than anything else I've ever experienced in my life - You are the very best thing that ever happened to me. Being your Dad is both an honor and privilege. Just because I'm not there in body doesn't mean I'm not there with you in spirit. I am.

                                                   Sketch by Em given as a Christmas gift last year

Yes, I am truly blessed, see? She sketched the picture from a favorite photo I have. It brought a tear to my eyes, well, maybe a couple, but they were tears of joy for such good fortune to fall into my life. Thank you, Sweetie!

By the way, blog followers, Em hasn't even seen my blog because she is currently internet challenged. On Wednesday that will be remedied.

Today is my last day in Connecticut. I will head to Wolcott, NY, tomorrow after sailing with brother, Dave and nephew, Colin, today in what was a spectacular day on the high seas of Long Island Sound on a 27' S-2 sailboat. Pics to come later, but it was really a great way to close shop in CT for the time being.

Yes, a VERY lucky guy, I am! Pics below from today's sail -

                                                                       Tiller in hand
                                                                    Pretty cool, right?

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