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Stonewall Jackson |
Yesterday Karen, Duppy and I took the walking tour of the Manassas battlefield where the first Battle of Bull Run was fought, and the driving tour of the sites that encompass the second Battle of Bull Run. It was a very powerful experience, and that it affected me as profoundly as it did was a surprise. I was taught about the "Civil War" in school, but I know more about it as someone who lived in Virginia and was befriended - taken in by fellow staff members at Varina High School even though I'm a Yankee.
At first it was difficult for them to reconcile that I am a likable Yankee. In the South, the "Civil War" is called "The War of Northern Aggression," and on July fourth in Richmond before the firing of fireworks The Battle Hymn of the Republic, not The Star Spangled Banner is sung.
The story about the Civil War and abolitionists freeing slaves is hogwash. It was all about money and federalizing government power. The industrial Northern mills needed agrarian Southern cotton, but if the southern states sold their cotton directly to England they could cut the hold the North had over the South. Additionally, proponents of states' rights vs. a strong central federal government were at odds - again, largely over money vis a vis, taxes and creation of a currency that could be controlled by a central bank. Before Lincoln was even elected seven states had already seceded signaling their resistance to an overpowering federal presence. Something I agree with - we are now seeing Arizona, Montana, Utah and thirteen other states resisting the federalization of state laws regarding firearms and immigration laws which are being either ignored, or shoved down their throats - finally, they are resisting and suing the feds. You won't see these stories on the six o'clock news, but they're out there if you want to look.
I don't want to rant on my blog, but unconstitutional federal departments include:
*Department of Transportation
* Department of Justice
* Department of Agriculture
* Department of Commerce
* Department of Interior
* Department of Labor
* Department of Health and Human Services
* Department of Education
* Department of Housing and Urban Development
* Department of Energy
* Department of Veteran’s Affairs
* Department of Homeland Security
Eliminating them, and balancing the budget of America should be accomplished before America as we knew it ceases to exist. The America I grew up in is no longer recognizable. Is it time for war against federalization?
Written by my friend, Dozie:
ReplyDeleteIt’s inevitable. Every person who endeavors to understand the nature of economy, central banking, fiat currency, Globalism, and elitism in our culture, every man who is truly honest with himself, comes to the same logical conclusion; the system we toil in, the system we tolerate out of habit day to day, is not only failing, it is designed to fail. Knowing this fact is difficult. The potential consequences of the situation tend to bleed into every moment of our once conventional routine. We realize that there is no going back to the old apathetic ways of viewing our world; once awake we cannot again sleep, and because we have the truth in hand, truth which affects every living human being, we are also by default made responsible for the future. We are no longer spectators caught in the swift tides of history, but participants in history’s making. We become the levy builders and breakers. We contribute to the flow of events, as well as their outcome.
This insight then begs a change in our way of life, and leads to a single arduous question:
Now that we know there is a problem, what are we going to do about it?