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Duppy in the River Bottoms Hunting Deer and Rabbits |
The most exciting thing today so far has been a thunderstorm, though Doug, Dexter and I did get out for a walk where Dexter played ball. Personally, I think fetching a ball is ridiculous, but Dexter is a compliant doggie and loves the attention Doug gives him! For my part, I'm just a little jealous that Dex is too cute and really has a fix on Doug. Whenever Doug sits at the table Dexter is right on his feet, which I can understand because I don't let Doug out of my sight these days either, especially when there are thunderstorms like right now. I didn't used to be affected by them, but in the past two years for a reason I can't explain they scare me. I don't literally come apart at the seams like some dogs, er, service animals do, but I find thunder very upsetting these days.
I woke up two days in a row to find Dexter in bed with us. I'm not happy to be sharing Doug, but I guess I understand that Dex really likes us since he's not alone all day like before we arrived in Leesburg. Doug told Karen she's very lucky to have such a wonderful dog, and really, I have to agree that Dexter is something special. For a six-month-old puppy he's really smart and sweet, except when he invades my space by sniffing my lips and pawing at my face. He also likes to stick his nose up my butt, and THAT ticks me off but he's just a baby and doesn't know better than to respect my personal space. Doug is trying to teach Dex to walk on two legs for Karen. When I really want something, I can dance on my back feet for a long time while my front feet paw the air so that people know "I want!!!" Even if people have never seen that, they get it right away and feed me because I'm so cute.
We went to Cici's Pizza with Renee, Eric and Auntie Karen last night and absolutely feasted on all I could eat pizza. When we go to restaurants Doug usually hides the fact that he slips me food, but not last night and I CHOWED on cheese, pizza and pepperoni! I wasn't too interested in Doug's salad; he enjoyed it so much I thought I might want some, but in the end - no, thanks!
Doug's brother sent him a funny email showing doormats with clever things on them. These are my favorites:
1) THIS IS NOT A JOKE - If you ever want to see these people again, bring me a 5 lb. roast in a plain paper bag. [signed] The Dog
2) Our dog is not a biter, he's a humper. [we would need this one, I'm afraid... Doug says, "We don't have that kind of love, Duppy!!]
3) Well, butter my butt and call me a bisquit! Look who's here! (Emphasis added because we both LOVED that one!)
4) I'm really glad to see you! But then I lie like a mat.
5) Go away. Come back with wine or whiskey!
6) We love our vacuum, we found God, and we gave at the office.
Note: When we get religious converts at the door we say "We're staunch Episcopalians!" Gets rid of them quickly every time, usually with a bewildered look on their faces. Either that, or Doug tells them we believe in King Kong if he feels like being a smart ass.
Well, the sun is coming out again, and it seems the thunderstorms have passed for now, thank goodness. I was actually scooped up and sat in Doug's lap for a while during all that mess. I'm a lucky dog, er, service animal! Wonder what's for dinner tonite? We had chili that Karen made two days ago, but I have to say I preferred the pizza of last night!!
"Butter my butt, and call me a bisquit! " Too funny!!! I shudder to think what Dexter would do if somebody buttered my butt. Doug says I have "Fancy pants," which you only "get" if you know me! Tomorrow marks the first full month of our blog. Doug was surprised that we've had over 2,400 visits from people in twelve different countries, and he says it's because I'm so cute and well-mannered. While that is true, I think people might be enjoying our freedom and travels. I don't know if we'll go to North Carolina, or Charlottesville next. We're waiting for Uncle Mike to come home from Rochester so we can visit before we head outta Leesburg. We were going to see him in NY, but he was in Virginia then, so we went to Niagara Falls instead.
Alrighty, all for today! Time for a little nap!
Your buddy,
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